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Information for Employers

Pacers FairDear Employers,

We are so happy that you are looking for a great student intern to contribute to your organization. Below, you will find the requirements that our student interns must meet to qualify for internships for course credit. 

To receive course credit, we ask that our students meet the following criteria:

  • Must be junior-level standing
  • Must have a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA
  • Must contribute 240 hours to an organization in an academic term 
  • Students will submit a professional portfolio at the end of their experience that highlights their contributions to your organization
  • Students will submit an evaluation and a reflection at the end of their work experience

Employers are asked to submit an electronic evaluation of the intern's experience at the end of the experience. This survey will be emailed to you toward the end of each term.  

If your organization would like to post a position for an internship, please follow the instructions below. 

Any questions about posting a position on Handshake, please contact ISU's Career Center at
1(812) 237-5000 or